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News and Updates for Skills in Demand, Subclass 400 and Transition 186 Visas

Skills in Demand Visa

We are now three months into the new Skills in Demand 482 and so far the program is, in our view, an improvement on the old TSS visa.

Processing times have definitely improved with average decision times of around 21-28 days from the time of application.

Whilst the new CSOL is more restrictive than the occupation list previously available to the TSS program, it is important to remember that many occupations that did not make it to the CSOL continue to be available under the skilled visa programs.

Transition 186 – Multiple Employers

As many are aware the 186 transition application is now available across multiple employers.  As long as you have two years working on your 482 visa, in your chosen occupation, you can apply if your current sponsor is willing to nomination you for a 186.

It is important to remember that you can only count time working for an employer on you’re a subclass 482 visa.  Under the current rules you can leave your sponsored employment and you have six months to find a new sponsor.  If you find a new sponsor within the six months but do not transfer your visa, through the lodgement of a new nomination, than any work experience prior to your visa being transferred to the new sponsor will not count toward the two years required for transition.

Whilst we recommend applicants use the six month wisely and ensure the potential new sponsor is a good match to them, we would recommend not being tardy in the formal transfer of the visa.  As many 482 visas are only issued for a two year period, the need for a further 482 application may arise, necessitating extra time and expense.

Subclass 400 visa

We have a constant stream of enquiry for the subclass 400 visa.  This is a temporary work visa available for up to six months.  Whilst the visa does give some freedom to employers, in that you can use the visa for any occupation, it is for genuine non-ongoing positions only.

If it can be seen that the 400 application is merely being used as a stepping stone towards a further onshore application, the 400 application will be refused.  The subclass 400 application must be made offshore.

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